Friday, 2 May 2014

How to Fix Your Nokia Lumia unbootable after a hard reset or updating

Many users need to apply a hard reset our terminals, sometimes malfunction and others simply because we want to erase all personal content and leave no trace. But they have detected some problems with this process and some terminals do not get past the first step showing gears constantly turning. Then I discussed a method to try to recover the terminal.
nokia lumia gear boot hard reset
Many of you know the procedure for performing a hard reset Nokia Lumia any terminal and I discussed a long article above. Thus, before an important event or simply because we want to delete the content problem, we apply the procedure and we can retrieve a phone. But, like everything related to the software, it is not without risks .
So many readers have reported that during the terminal remains unused in the initial state when the recovery is being implemented leaving only a gear on the screen that does not stop spinning for hours.This problem not only what we have when we performed a hard reset, but before a software update via OTA.
The good news is that, before taking the terminal to what Nokia will try to recover, you can now attempt a first terminal recovery at home, and try to fix it yourself. I count the steps.

Step 1: Install Nokia Software Updater for Retail

The first step is to download the software from Nokia that lets you install the firmware on our phone.This software was already discussed when we explain how to upgrade to Lumia Amber has been recently updated. As if you had not installed the hype download and if you had already, just open it and tell you that there is an update.
Updated : If you have problems installing this program, you can try the new software launched by Nokia and I discussed in another article .

Step 2: Connect the phone to your computer

The next step is simply to connect the phone to the computer with the USB cable. Of course, the terminal will light if it was not, but will not be recognized by any application (you may receive a message that a USB device is not recognized.) We start the Nokia Software Update for Retail application and see the image indicates that we connect the phone.
Underneath the drawing, we see a button that tells us: "my device does not boot" . It's what we choose to enter will use in the next step wizard.

Nokia Software Updater for Retail

Step 3: software reset terminal

In this step, you click Continue, the program tries to find the phone, and then you apply a soft reset . To do this, we pressed the buttons on and volume down until we noticed a vibration. When the phone starts to boot you again, you should see that is recognized by the program.

Step 4: Installing the firmware

In this step, if necessary, download the firmware needed Nokia server, and then proceed with the installation. By installing a complete firmware, is how to perform a clean installation of the software on the terminal, so if there is no hardware problem should be solved and recover your phone. The process is the same as mentioned for upgrade to Lumia Amber .
We hope the tutorial will serve as a support and allows you to recover those terminals that are giving you headaches after the hard reset.
Updated : If you have problems installing this program, you can try the new software launched by Nokia and I discussed in another article .


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